My Story

Hi, I’m Amber!

Your Insta-Friend, Podcast Host, and Founder of the Hope Smiling Brightly Charity.

A Road Trip with God

There was no reason I should feel unsettled. I had 5 kids and loved being a stay at home mom running an unexpected but successful side business. Life was good. So why the nagging feeling that there was something else God wanted for me?

I took it up with Him on a solo road trip. After praying out loud for several hours straight, boy did He answer. He wanted me leave my business behind and take the skills I learned to testify of Him instead.

“Tell your stories.” I felt His words from my head to my toes.

Really? What was so special about my stories? My parents were hippies who converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I lived in a home with no plumbing or electricity out in the mountains. After having 5 children my parents adopted a baby with special needs, 6 children from Calcutta, India and one of my mom’s students from school. I worked hard in school to achieve my dream of getting a scholarship, getting out of New Mexico and attending BYU. Pretty normal right? To me, it was just my life.

Ye Know me Not

I had done my best to share stories of faith on a blog in between bouts of discouragement and doubt. In my fear of failure I began suffering from debilitating anxiety, vertigo, and insomnia.

I had spent most of my life trying to check every single box on the “righteous child of God” checklist. I worshiped a very demanding God who I knew loved me, but I was sure was constantly disappointed in me. A God who would only love, accept and bless me AFTER I could perfect myself.

Then came the devastating words that God spoke to my mind in the middle of it all. “Ye know me not.”

I finally realized that if the cost of worth & acceptance was perfection then there was no way I could ever pay it. No wonder living the gospel felt so exhausting. I had it all wrong. Over the next years God showed me my only labor, the one and only check box I ever needed. To look to Him each day. God slowly stripped away incorrect beliefs I had about who He is, who I am, and replaced it with truth. With that truth, has come change to the point that I barely remember the person I was before.

His promise that His word changes us, born again into a new creature in Christ, is REAL.

I’ll share whatever you want, just not on social media.

I slowly started feeling better and knew it was time to start sharing again but the blog didn’t feel right anymore. The only thing I KNEW was that I didn’t want to be on social media, so of course you know exactly what God guided me to.

I had just finished a hike with my husband where I expressed every. single. thought. swirling in my brain (dear, sweet, patient man). The only thing I was sure of was how much I loved helping others through my stories of faith.

When we got back to the car there was an alert that I had a message waiting for me on Instagram. I was surprised because I hadn’t opened the app for months, and I had never even sent or received a DM.

It was a message from someone who had randomly found a 3 year old post I had shared of my testimony. She expressed what a miracle it was that she came across that post and how it was an exact answer to prayer. At that moment I knew God was telling me where I needed to be.

Am I an influencer?

Oh how I wanted to quit after it took me 5 hours to create one 90 second reel, but I kept on sharing and I was shocked when people started listening. I posted stories of my upbringing, mercies, gospel insights. Before I knew it I went from a few hundred followers to thousands to tens of thousands.

My kids started teasing me about being an influencer. Really? I still laugh at the thought. It wasn’t something I set out to do but I express gratitude everyday for the gift of sharing my faith. If I can influence someone to come closer to Christ, sure I’ll be an influencer!

What do you want for me?

Posting on social media became comfortable, and we all know what happens when we are comfortable… After sharing a reel encouraging others to ask God the question, “What do you want for me?” God let me know He wanted me to ask that question too.

I asked in prayer but quickly got distracted by the busyness of the day. That day I got 3 messages, across 3 different platforms, from 3 different people. They all were curious about the exact same thing, would I ever do a podcast? No one had ever asked me that question. I quickly answered each of them, “No, it isn’t my thing. Waaay too intimidating.”

When the day was over I realized I had never finished my prayer and scripture study. There was the unanswered question staring at me in my journal. But before I could start my prayer again, God let me know he had already answered.

Now I can say, “Welcome to Hope Smiling Brightly!”

You Will Give It All

When sharing my stories was just a scribble on a piece of scratch paper I knew I wanted to give back in some way. Ok, maybe not in an “adopt 8 children” sort of way like my parents, but something right?

Having an entrepreneurial mindset I started brainstorming all the ways I might monetize my work online. Thinking I was sooo generous I had the thought that I’d give a small portion to a charitable effort.

In that very moment came the words, “You will give it ALL.”

Now I collaborate with businesses to bring you amazing products and great deals.  100% of the proceeds go to the Hope Smiling Brightly Charity “Delivering hopeful messages and thoughtful packages to those who could use a smile.” I do not pay myself a salary. I truly hope your life is blessed through your involvement in this effort

And because of my experiences do you know what I know for you?


God’s greatest power is manifested in His children, in being able to sanctify and perfect our imperfect efforts as we strive to develop his gifts. He has already paid the price, our only cost is to believe.

There is great power, promises, miracles, revelation, gifts, joy, strength, protection that has been reserved for these days, for right now! They are yours. Claim them. There is hope.



Fun Facts

The Most Told Stories about Amber:

Click on each box to get the inside story!

From my Parents:

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She was born at dawn and the color of the sky was amber. In true hippie style, of course we named her Amber Dawn.

From my Kids:

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We got on mom’s last nerve and she lost it and threw an open tub of mayo across the kitchen. FYI: Mayo actually gives a nice shine to the floors.

From my Husband:

(Click to reveal)

That time we were dating and I professed my love to her and she replied with, “I love you like a brother.”

From my Sibling:

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Amber had a reputation at school for punching a guy out for smacking her butt. We were standing in a crowded concession line at school and I snuck in and pinched her butt to make her think a boy was messing with her. She turned around with her fist ready to strike and the entire crowd parted in fear until she saw me rolling with laughter.

From my College Roommate:

(Click to reveal)

The girl that loved to start food and water fights. The most epic food fight included cake, pudding, syrup, dish soap, a fire extinguisher, nothing was off limits. And of course she jumped in the shower while everyone else cleaned it up.

God Speaks!

Increase Your Ability to Hear Him By Creating a Personal Revelation Board.

My most requested guide! For the first time ever I am sharing a step by step guide to create your own personal revelation board. Unlock the ability to discern God’s love, direction, and messages for you! Enjoy my gift of appreciation to you!